Saturday, August 9, 2014

its near the end.

i still can't believe that it almost end.
i will finish my internship here in The Chedi Andermatt in 1 month.
time flies isn't it ?

in one month i will be back in Indonesia.
happy and sad in the same time.
why ?
because i will be separated with these nice people.
i love them so much.
thank you for always be there for me when i'm having a really hard time. 
thank you for always support me and cheer me up.
without any of you, for sure i will not be able to finish my internship.
thank you for always encourage me. 

to be honest i want to be the first one to leave here. so i wont see anybody leaving me.
sounds selfish but i'd prefer that way.
and now i will be the second person who leave.
not so bad, but i already feel sad because one of my friend will leave in 5 days.

i wanna say i'm sorry if i was an ass sometimes.
but that always happen when you're in the shits right ?
but thank you for always considering me.

i love you to the moon and back.
see you when i see you :) 
keep in touch!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

internship = no life

oke setelah post terakhir yang arti nya taun lalu gue ngepost lagi

kenapa gue baru ngepost lagi karena gue bener bener ga ada waktu
sibuk banget
awal taun 2014 gue masuk term 2 ya bisa di bilang semester 2 dan itu banyak banget project nya
dalem 3 bulan gue ada 3 project dan deadline skitar 2 mingguan
alhasil gue ga tdur tdur buat belakangan term 2

nah sekarang ini gue lagi internship
alhamdulilah lulus term 2 dengan nilai yang bagi gue ga memuaskan
gue dapet internship di The Chedi.
pasti tau dongg
orang itu hotel eksis di bali ada 3 biji
dia baru buka desember kmrn di swiss

kerja disini bisa di bilang..
lagi low season dan mulai high season lagi skitar bulan juni
meskipum tamu yang dateng dikit tapi tetep aja MEP yang di persiapin segabrek gabrek
kalo ada banquet ato special event
jangan ngarep dapet break sama kerja pas 9 jem perhari
sehari hari aja bisa kerja 10 jam
kalo ada event mah 12 juga bisa lebih

contoh nya minggu lalu aja gue kerja maraton dari jam 9 pagi sampe 11.30 malem
ga ada break
mau mati ?
makan juga nyolong nyolong

uda gitu chedi tempat gue kerja itu lokasi nya di andermatt
di atas gunung di antara gunung gunung swiss alps
dan disini cuma ada coop
coop = supermarket
dan ga gede gede amat

disini berasa banget
idup lu cuma di 2/3 tempat
chedi, rumah, coop
mau ngapa ngapain juga susah
cape, mental sama fisik
stress mental fisik
yah into nya kerja ato internship itu inti nya bakal ga punya idup deh
totally different from school.

kalo penasaran sama tempat kerja gue
boleh di cek web nya
The Chedi Andermatt
terkenal sama 4 open kitchens (asian, international, garde manger,pastry)
wine cellar, cheese cellar, sama luxury nya deh
monggo di intip.